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Money guarentee_picIf your website is unavailable less than the guaranteed amount of the uptime within a given month, we will give you a pro-rated credit for the downtime.

While we rarely have network issues that result in downtime, we admit that short lapses in service can happen. When they do, we believe that our clients shouldn't have to pay. As such, we have drafted our unique 99.9% Uptime Guarantee. Many hosting companies offer uptime "guarantees" but make no mention of what happens if they don't meet their posted uptime minimum. We stand behind our network reliability by offering you a pro-rated credit for any downtime outside of our guaranteed uptime window.

Service credits are calculated as follows:

  • 100% - 99.9% uptime : No credit
  • 99.8% - 95% uptime : 5% credit
  • 95% - 90% uptime : 10% credit
  • 90% - 80% uptime : 15% credit
  • 80% - 70% uptime : 25% credit
  • Less than 70% uptime : 100% credit

Please note that this guarantee applies only to unscheduled outages. Occasional planned network maintenance may be necessary. In all but the most urgent cases, we will send an email notifying clients of maintenance that is to be performed. When notice is sent to clients at least two hours prior to the service interruption, the outage does not qualify for our uptime guarantee. This guarantee excludes setup and domain registration fees, for which we incur a cost.

 Real PeopleReal people_pic

 We guarantee that you will be able to reach us and speak with a real human being (either by phone or email, depending on the hour), someone who speaks English and can answer your questions, fix your problems and help you resolve your issues in a reasonable timeframe.

ReliabilityReliabilty pic

Hague Insites is committed to providing secure and reliable hosting service. With our 24/7 network monitoring, you can rest assured that if an issue does arise, it will be addressed immediately.

Dell PowerVault_Storage_Servers Premium Dell Equipment

High-end Dell Enterprise nodes running RAID 10, hot swap bays, Intel Nahalem processors, 15K SaS drives, dual power supplies with plenty of memory. Our nodes are built to run Joomla!

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